Humandu, the modern solution in the world of career development. At Humandu, they are dedicated to reshaping how individuals navigate the job market. Their mission is to empower professionals to become a permanent fixture in the job market, where companies actively seek out their talents. Through Humandu, they meticulously match you with the right company and ideal job position, utilising their intelligent Humandu Algorithm that creates your competency profile, comparing it with company needs and job requirements. Explore the portfolio to see how they are changing the way people connect with opportunities in the professional world.

The design philosophy for Humandu Branding revolves around functionality and clarity. I'm focused on creating a user-friendly experience for individuals looking to find their ideal job match. You'll discover designs that are not only visually clean and straightforward but are also meticulously made to guide users through the test-process with ease. Using icons to symbolise I've aimed to make the test a practical, effective tool for matching your skills with the perfect job, and I'm dedicated to ensuring that the experience is as efficient as it is visually restrained.

HUMANDU human resources. Branding, graphic design, infographic, photography